
We will be going  Christmas caroling to the shut-ins on December 8th at 4 pm, starting at the church. We will end at the church for a pizza supper.
Sunday School Classes for Preschool through High School are  at  9:30 am. All families with children are welcome.  Adult classes are held concurrently.  Nursery is available.
                                   Our adult Sunday School Classes meet in the Education Building at 9:30 am.                                                                            Our topic is entitled "Great Chapters of the Bible." 
A new Mothers of Faith group meets twice a month  at 9:30 am. This is a study and support group covering the challenges and joys of motherhood. We will examine God's Word for faith and guidance in parenting. Child care is available for children too young for Sunday School. Our next meetings are December  8th and 22nd.
Our  Thursday morning Bible Study meets  at 9:30 am.   We  are surveying the Old Testament and see the presence and promises of Christ.
Koinonia is a Fellowship Group for young adults.  For more information, contact the church office at 419.862.3461 or
Confirmation classes meet on Wednesdays at 7 pm. During Advent we meet at 6 pm.
Our Youth Group meets the third Sunday of each month for various planned activities (lock-ins, picnics, zoo, Cedar Point, etc.)    We are collecting applications from  youth interested in attending the 2025 National Youth Convention. This is for students in grades 8 - 12.
Senior Choir  practices on Wednesdays at 7 pm.  Junior Choir meets  on Sundays at  7 pm.
 Keep Watch serves our school communities by covering every school in prayer.. For more information about the Keep Watch Ministry, click here


















more information, call 419-862-3461.

Vacation Bible School will be held from 9 -11:45 am on June 17th - 21st. Our theme this year is Dive In and we will have Bible stories, crafts, music, games, and snacks. To register click here or call the church office at 419-862-3461. To register online, click here.

 Keep Watch serves our school communities by covering every school in prayer.. For more information about the Keep Watch Ministry, click here


















